Tuesday 31 March 2015

Let the society shut its eyes.

With husband away a long time,
She had some amours by impulse,
With no emotional tie up.
The society should not probe it.


Friendships’ viability

Friendships or relationships
Are from dependence had or to be had.
Dependence imbalanced, it will crack
Or end up as master and servant track.

Bride’s entry is a storm.

The entry of the bride to the groom’s house:
Mother moved closer than before to the groom.
Sisters showed extra concerns to the groom.
They are nervous about the bride’s influence.


Tie your bulls

Man beat man with whom
His wife or daughter has slept.
Woman beat woman with whom
Her husband has affairs.
Who strays is spared and
The respondents are attacked.
My cow roams; tie your bulls.
It is barbarism to show
Violence at consensual sex.


Indians’ life

Today is Gandhi’s birthday.
Who care his year of birth?
Today is that actress’ birthday.
How can I find her year of birth?

Thus goes Indians’ life.


Love and hate alternate

Love is energy built in to preserve
Oneself, one’s young ones and the lust for mate.
Hate is energy built in to ward off
The hostile, the irritants and the usurpers.
Both energies are convertible too.
They are light and shadow, inseparable.


Both versatile in relationships

Man is so versatile in conjugal love
That he fits woman younger by any age.
Woman is so versatile in marital love
That she fits man older by any age.


To exist and to exit

I had been concerned
About how to exist.
At the end I worry
About how I’ll exit.


Get out of the myth

Fire will burn things; air will fill the space.
God will save you; hell will warn you.
Which are the truths and which, the faith?
Faith is not truth; get out of the myth.

The flame stops burning.

What happen to the flame in the candle
When it is put out, will happen to the soul
When the body is slain; in both, burning stops.
No question of escaping the soul at death.

Man is a choice maker.

Man is an infinite choice maker.
He makes choices at every step
And moves away from or close
To something, and rises or falls.

Soul is not slain.

Soul is like air or heat
And dissolves in life.
Body slain, soul is not slain.
Soul is a part of life,
Which has no birth, no death.
No rebirth, no salvation.


Savior and terminator.

The hope that God save me
Is replaced with the hope
That God take me right now
The time I get too old.
The God is savior
Turned terminator.


Is man a winner or a loser?

Woman has a poof that the child is hers;
Man has no such proof to claim on the child.
She is cool with the child as identity.
He is desperate for his identity.

Identity crisis has disturbed him.
He invented marriage and chained woman.
He imposed chastity to mark his kids
And introduced patriarchal system.

Identity crisis has troubled him.
He assumed control over women.
He retained the progeny in his name
And made concubines to silence woman.

Identity crisis has worried him.
He bottled woman’s skill and built up his.
He grew to be a Scholar. Sculptor and Poet
And assigned to woman the entertaining.

Identity crisis has bothered him.
He treated woman as her property.
He acquired family unfailingly
And labourd for its upkeep and status.

Identity crisis has bored him.
Water as she is, man could not cut her.
Tired of heat outside, man needed a shade
And sheltered himself in woman’s coolness.

Woman treated man with due sympathy
With no fight with him for identity.
Her child is enough for her identity.
She helped him to anchor himself in her.


Monday 30 March 2015


Sacrifice is losing with pleasure;
Sacrifice is suffering with pleasure.
Pleasure is the reward for the sacrifice.
Don’t mind the absence of gratitude..


Lust in eyes

With love in eyes, look at women.
With lust in eyes, don’t look at them.
Your face will be ugly to them
And irritating to onlookers.

Love and hate are parallel.

Love, passion and lust are the hues of light.
Hate, hatred and rage are the shades of night.
No light without shadow; no love without hate.
Love and hate are parallel and coexist.

Punishment is sadism

Punishment is employed
More to vent one’s anger
Than to correct the wrong.
In disciplinary acts.


Good bye to infidelity.

Man indulges in dalliance
With random women, away from home.
It is overt rather than covert,
With a tacit understanding
Or acceptance of his indiscretion
By wife, chaste conscious and house bound.

She can ignore man’s one night stand.
Only when the woman happens
To be an acquaintance of them,
Wife grows nervous and revolts
As family and friends could be
Privy to the scandal to her shame.

Woman away from home on work
Are susceptible to men’s eyes.
The boundary of sexual loyalties
Are stretching to accommodate
Liberality of women.
 For the long term relationships,
Give good bye to infidelity. 

Love is to be shown.

Song is no song till it is sung.
Love is no love till it is shown.
Show the love to the one you love,
Provided it is accepted.

The repute

Feed the hungry; attend the wounded.
Help the destitute; you’re in demand.
Such like repute you cannot command
Being the winner of many wars

Be the love a game.

Does she love me in reality?
Does he love me in reality?
No answer is at hand
And it is a matter of faith.
It may be playing games
On the part of the both
Or either of the pair.
Of course, you are sure
Whether your love is real.
Forget about the other.
And enjoy the love you pursue.

When you entrust something
With someone you trust
You don’t expect from him
That he trusts you equally.


The end of the ignorance

Ignorance dissolves
When the knowledge gathers.
The last part of the ignorance
Is that the God saves one.
It dissolves at one’s death bed.


Sunday 29 March 2015

The fragrance of love

Man’s love for woman is instant;
Woman’s love for man is latent.
Man’s pursuit makes her love potent;
Woman’s image makes man’s love vibrant.

Woman takes time to build her love.
Till such time she delays courtships,
With pretence of ignorance and
Indifference and connivance.

She takes time to study the man
In love and verify his worth.
She needs time to sheds her shyness
And say love to the man of her choice.

Her response to love is blossom.
Knowing it gives the man a thrill,
Which is the peak of sexual pleasure
Got in the episode of love.

Since then the love may grow further,
Come to a standstill or abort.
Regardless of the result, stays
In lovers’ memory the feelings.

Blossom has fragrance; so does love.
Failure of fruit kills not fragrance.
Lovers reminisce at their past love
And beam at their worth for the other.


Screen the sufferings

With the senses you know the world.
The senses awake, you’re aware.
The unbridled senses lead to lust.
The sensory objects induce greed.

With the mind you build ambition
And ignore the path, to attain.
With the ego you feel importance
And ignore the cost, to achieve.

Senses, mind and ego reined,
Suffering is screened.

Desire undying

Love and desire are undying.
The aspect may change but not the essence.
The perception is impermanent too
As perceiving ones and the perceived are.


An intelligent couple

A robust, fair and modest woman,
A mother of two little children,
Entertained men to her bedroom
With the consent of her husband
To realize building a big house,
With no breach of trust between them.
The house built, she stopped the business.
Thus they have elevated their status.

Love without sex

A woman of thirty five
And a mother of two kids,
With modesty to the core,
She was lured to fall for him
When they were given proximity
For a couple of years.
Even now the love is vibrant
After thirteen years,
Notwithstanding no
Physical intimacy
It has culminated in.
Sexual love can exist without sex.


At my seventy…

A man, even at his seventy,
Can be a potential danger
To a woman, even of sixty.
Self restraint is the need of the hour.


The receiver decides the hurt.

The hurt hurled at one, when borne with toughness
Or with compassion, will have little impact
Like that of an axe falling on a rock
Or in the water instead of the wood.

The hurt hurled at one, when borne with smoothness
Or with emotion, will have deep impact
Like that of a knife falling on a cock
Or in the butter instead of the floor.


Don’t brand as ungrateful dogs.

I grew a fruit tree that failed to bear.
The hope and joy I got in its growth
Being the reward for my efforts,
I should not curse the tree for its failure.

Let the grown up children desert you.
Let those you helped grow, have forgoten you.
The pleasure you experienced then
Is the reward to act as gratitude.


Those are standard ones.

If anything is uninteresting,
Be it cinema, story or people,
It is not that these are substandard ones
But that you are misfit to their standard.

The immoral world.

Information is not knowledge;
Knowledge is not wisdom.
Wisdom is not instinct.
Instinct is amoral
And employs its veto.
So the world is immoral.


Economy is dirty

Economy is dirty.
If you fevour the labourers
You tax the consumers.
If you fevour the consumers,
You tax the labourers.
To fevour the unit
You tax both of them.
It is economy, dirty.


Love for big people

Be away from the men of importance.
Drop your ambition of befriending them.
Else, their meanness would become naked.
You will see them with hate instead of love.

Man looks askance.

Woman once was full of innocence;
Man could find a shelter in her presence.
Woman has grown, full of intelligence.
His stay at mercy, man looks askance.


To destroy my cupid

Maybe I embarrass you
If I reveal my love
Or say I love you.

Instead I show it in deeds.
I am sincere to you
And serious about your wants.

Maybe you do not know
I am doing these without a break
Despite no break in your silence.

Maybe you do not know,
I will not turn jealous of one
Who might find your fevour.

Maybe you do not know
I will not be bitter
Even if you slip for someone.

My shyness forbidding,
Your modesty dreading,
I am dumb about my love.

Because you lack knowledge,
You are likely to err
And destroy my cupid.

Fate cannot be overcome.

One’s influence overpowered
By an external influence
From an unexpected quarter,
One succumbs to it, which is fate.

Saturday 28 March 2015

Respect and love

Respect and love are from the same stock.
Respect contains some amount of fear.
Love contains some amount of pity.
Respects fuel, and love soothes, the receiver.


Woman’s fragrance

Lotus is blessed with a countenance.
Jasmine is blessed with a strong fragrance.
Fragrance in woman is sexiness,
A reflection of high level of hormones.

It’s sexy women that imprison men.


A cylinder is hollow.

A rise is bound by the top.
A fall is bound by the base.
A cylinder has no top, no base.
But, mind, it is viewed as hollow.

Footsteps and shadow

Footsteps follow you; shadow follows you.
You cannot leave them by running away.
To leave them, you can sit under a shade.

Desires and cravings are following you.
You cannot beat them by pursuing them.
To beat them, be content and sit at work.

The imagination

One imagines what one expects,
Which one is denied and about which
One is ignorant. Imagination
Is a rehearsal, the people’s paradise.

Man means mankind

‘Man proposes; God disposes.’
Here man denoted the whole mankind,
In which woman is inclusive.
Woman’s to take no inhibition in the usage.

The goal of life

Life is a maze with many forks
At which one turns without rout maps.
In the maze, exit is the goal.
In the life, avoiding it is the goal.


But for eyes, what are men?

Man touches woman by eyes,
With which he X-rays her parts,
With which he converses with her
And with which he cans her in brain
For later visualization.
But for eyes, men will be impotent.


Twisting the truth

I drew a horse that looked like an ass.
So I declared that I've drawn an ass.

I went to her with desire to woo
On the pretext of seeing my friend there.

I told my kin that I came to see him
Whereas I saw him on my way.

I twist the truth to suit occasions
 And gain from there an advantage.


My stock

By different names have I been known in life.
As their stock, I’m proud of them when they shone.
Fore fathers and progeny as my part,
I’m proud of them, though over shining me.

Friday 27 March 2015

The identity’s role

Identity urges you to toil,
Makes you sacrifice, leaves you secure
And imbues interest and purpose.
The society provides identity.


The comfortable end is the fortune.

A silver spoon at birth is not fortune;
Immense wealth or virile health is no fortune;
Having children will not amount to fortune.
A painless, well cared end of life would be.

The hurt-feelings

A belief, especially a religious one,
That cannot be defended by evidence,
Proof or logic, is protected or nurtured
By hurt-feelings and the threat of violence.


For the least worries

Achievement is satisfaction
But to a few,
Satisfaction is achievement.

Attainment is happiness
But to a few,
Happiness is attainment.

Success is pleasure
But to a few,
Pleasure is success.

Be one of those few
So that in life
You’ll have least worries.


Harvest in life time.

In the time of sand, no impression lasts
Soon after one’s death, notwithstanding
The popularity it has enjoyed.
Be content with its harvest in life time.

Respect the doer of mean works

Respect them who do works
That demand no respects
More than them who do works
That command reverence.

Not prepared for such works
That are held low or mean,
You must at least respect
Them who do mean works to you.

As a doctor serves you
A barber too serves you.
As a teacher serves you
A sweeper too serves you.


Can man succeed in his try

God wanted man to die soon,
But man wanted to defy.
The soul inclined to obey
But the body stood to deny.
Once beasts and snakes made man die.
Then worms and germs took his toll.
Then virus became fatal.
Man overcame them and plugged the holes.
Now cancer has made a big hole,
Through which lot of souls slip out.
God sent agents to make holes
In the bodies for the souls to slip.
Man finds way to plug the holes.
Can man succeed in his try?


Desperate to impress

Post death, there will be no suffering,
No pain, no sorrow and no fear.
Yet death is dreaded even by the old.
Fear of failing to impress is the urge.


We, the amphibians

The aquatic has no longing for land.
The terrestrial has no fancy for sea.
It is the amphibians who are beset
With pro and con of land and sea.


Miss/Mrs. so and so

It is man who falls in love with woman.
He must know who the eligible spinster is.
It is right on the part of the society
That woman must bear Miss or Mrs.

How to progress?

Brothers are jealous.
Neighbours are jealous.
Colleagues are jealous.
How could I progress?


No credulity

An action can be justified
Or condemned from a certain angle.
It depends on one’s motives.
Let no credulity be given.


Sufferings and sorrows

The suffering that comes from illness,
Injury and hunger must be met.
The sorrow that comes from loss of souls,
Of wealth and of rank must be endured.

Magnets of both sexes

A woman with her chin down
Will look more feminine.
A man with head tilted forward
Will look more masculine.
A woman with talks with teeth seen
Will pose more attractive.
A man with talks shading his teeth
Will looks more inviting.
What is life if without magnets
When both genders encounter?

Guilt murders the sleep.

‘I should have done it.’
‘I shouldn't have done it.’
These are the words of guilt.
Guilt is built from deeds
That differ from ideals
In which one is trained.
Guilt murders the sleep.
Regrets might sooth one
But cannot uproot the guilt.


They are the wise.

To fight, to yield or to escape
Are three options to choose from
In a given situation.
The wise would handle it wisely.

Where from comes food?

Some rob, some steal,
Some beg and some fool
Them who work for bread,
And thus get their bread.


Presence is not warranted
Where absence is not minded.
Absence is most welcome
Where presence is an addition.

Lovers mind not others

Those who call us mad or insane
Are no more themselves lovers by now.
Ourselves as lovers, we don’t mind
Them in their mocking about us.
