Sunday 19 April 2015

Nature needs privacy.

Imperfection is the reality.
Perfection is the artificial.
Leave the nature to address itself.
It desperately needs privacy.


Three necessities ^v

Feeding, to escape and to mate
Are the three basic necessities
Around which man, like all lives, revolves.
His actions are traceable to any of these.

Adultery is absolved.

It is her child, not her husband’s.
She knows that he knows about it.
She proved she is not sterile.
She showed him as not impotent.

He accepted his wife as wife.

Power of attractions

A mere interaction with a man
Can bring a glow to a woman’s face.
A mere presence with a woman
Will bring a glow to any man’s face.


Woman’s emancipation^

She panders to his whim at home
In turn to his chivalry to her at bed.
It’s a mutual servitude.
Where does emancipation come?

Everyday is the Environment Day

Once streams, now they are drains.
Once rivers, now they are drains.
Sewage goes from where water comes.
Excreta go from where water comes.

Once fields, now they are of smoke.
Once cities, now they are of smoke.
Smoke goes from where breath-air comes.
Carbon fills the air looking for plants.

Sewage unaddressed, carbons unaddressed,
No amount of environment savings
Could bail out the earth. The Environment Day
Must be everyday and not a tokenism.


Then too, men were tempted.

Showing the knees was once immodesty.
Baring the waist or shoulders was likewise,
Not to say about showing the cleavage.
Then too men were tempted by those women.

Man has no inheritors.

Warming will dry water soon.
Water crisis will kill lives.
Life lost, God has no takers.
Man goes without inheritors.


The less blame

Don’t hide your wrong.
Don’t defend it
Nor justify it.
Then it attracts less blame.


Girlish boys and boyish girls

Effeminate men draw gays.
Butch women draw lesbians.
Effeminate men and butch women
Find incompatibilities.

Saturday 18 April 2015

Messages will die

A message lasts no longer
Than the canvas bearing it.
A message lasts no longer
Than the language having it.

Language dying, no amount
Of saving, even in stones,
Of writings is possible.
Yet I leave my works behind.


Beauty is not in colours

Black hair is nice, but not black teeth.
White teeth are nice, but not whit hair.
Red lips are nice, but not red eyes.
Black eyes are nice, but not black lips.

Beauty is not in colours;
Beauty is in the concepts.


Must you reach at all?

Unless you are aggressive,
Unless you are ruthless
And unless you are dishonest
You cannot reach the throne.

Must you reach at all?


The sweeter coitus

Foreplay much matters.
Elder men have expertise.
Younger women are less jaded.
Their coitus is sweeter.


Bear with your products.

Your sons and daughters are your copies.
Only they remind others of you.
And think of you, if at all, later.
Don’t antagonize them when you die.


How to meditate

To be in meditation,
You must be with yourself,
Forgetting about the rest.

One way of practicing it
Is count your normal breaths ,
A hundred or for ten minutes.

Lying on ground, deep in thought,
Eyes closed, with alarm timing,
You can watch breaths for more good.


Peace is a fortune

Peace comes from the absence of fear.
Hopes can dull fears to an extent
And guaranties, a little more.
Guaranties are governed by faith,
Which is as uncertain as hope.
Hope being a speculation,
It cannot alleviate fear
And hence peace is a fortune.

Matches are fixed.

The stories we read, the movies we see
Are with ends fixed. We watch with interest.
What if matches are fixed? We can watch them
With interest, unaware of their ends.
[Sports becoming a gambling, often matches are heard as fixed]

Motivational words

Words of motivation
Will lose their character
When it is known the words
Spelt are with a motivation.



A force exerted, some forces push it
And some oppose it. Pro-forces overcome
Or succumb to the opposing forces.
Thus successes or failures emerge.

In a team either you float or you sink.


The unfair act

An object draws one’s attention.
Both are culpable.
A woman draws man’s eyes.
Both are culpable.
Blaming man is unfair.


Fearing death

Post death I cannot remember
Nor know if others remember me.
Post death I will go soon traceless .
That is why I fear reaching death.



Once dead, the album of memory is dead.
A rebirth given cannot resurrect it.
Without memory carried over
The next birth cannot be a rebirth.


To verify the worth

To pursue a girl is not to get her
But ensure her acknowledgment of love.
Her acceptance of love will prove his worth.
It is for this each boy is desperate.

Trunk-branch-twig relation

Affinity is a string that runs through
Parents-offspring- grand offspring with
The characteristic of no jealousy.
Siblings do not come in that category.

Be wise with minority.

Don’t be blind with the majority.
What they believe, follow or condemn
Can be wrong or misled or less grasped.
Mind the wise are in minority.


Writing about self

An autobiography is good.
It dispels gossips circulated
And puts an end to hear say stories.
It opens weak facts accessible too.


Earn money to earn name.

The bird needs air to fly by.
The boat needs water to sail in.
The thoughts need means to spread by.
Sans money, you aren’t heard.

The insignificant ones

As a father, one is heard;
As a mother, one is heard.
The insignificant ones
Are thus compensated.


Depression’s effects

Depression is not a bad thing to occur.
It’ll teach tolerance of failures.
It’ll help find the untapped resources.
It’ll bring you tears that wash your eyes.


To be at ease is peace

A faithful wife, a faithful child
And a faithful servant or friend
Will put you at ease and in turn
You must strive to put them at ease.


Friday 17 April 2015

Not to call a spade a spade

Don’t call her a concubine.
Say she is in live-in-relationship.
Don’t call her a harlot.
Say she has many visitors.
Don’t call her adulterous.
Say she is with easy virtue.
Don’t call a spade a spade
Lest it should be offended.


To stop violence

God’s power is the people’s faith in Him
And the judiciary’s is the man’s faith in it..
Both faiths must live to domesticate man.
Erosion of these faiths will cause violence.


Accustomed to the pain

The innumerable funerals
Witnessed give me hope that after my death
My children will do likewise for me too.
Throwing away people and things valued
By their parents, on their deaths, gives me pain
That mine too will meet the same fate post death.


Satisfaction must merit.

Forgo the happiness that the conscience bars.
Forgo the happiness you don’t deserve.
Forgo the happiness beyond your means.
Forgo the happiness revenges would fetch.
Forgoing such happiness will gain you
Satisfaction which will leave no scars.


A wise mother-in-law

The daughter-in-law is the waxing moon.
The mother-in-law is the waning moon.
The mother-in-law must realize this.
It will enhance her peace and prestige.


To mortgage for an identity

He was taken as the national leader.
The people of his caste projected him more,
And stood as watch dog for his image.
They succeeded to make him a caste leader.


Put up with the inevitable.

Put up with losing grounds and positions
And with gaining neglects and contempt ,
As you put up with failing sight and limbs
And with losing memory, in your old age.

The end is at sight.

The globe is warming. Do you witness?
Summer overlaps Spring and Autumn.
Spring and Autumn eat away Winter.
Heat soon will burn water and the life.


When I witness deaths
I think this will not happen
To me, a wonder.

An accident too
Tells me this will not happen
To me, a wonder.

When I meet my death
I will not know it’s occurred
To me, a wonder.


Wives are subordinates

Man steps down to marry a woman
Lower in age, wealth and position.
Woman steps out to marry a man
Higher in age, wealth and position.
This is a tacit understanding
That wives subordinate to husbands.


The injustice man does.

Grandfather, father, his son and so on-
Goes thus the identity of the progeny.
Grandmother, mother, her daughter and so on
Goes the affinity of the human race.
This itself is the peak of injustice,
Before which stands baseless any justice.


The mindfulness

Eat while you eat; it is mouthful.
See while you see; it is eyeful.
Hear while you hear; it is hearful.
Touch while you touch; it is handful.
When you do these, you’re mindful.
Being mindful is the joy of life.


Don’t condemn the past

The yesterday was fresh yesterday.
The today cannot see its freshness
Unless it puts itself in its place.
The today should not condemn the yesterday.


Old-age homes

People keep orphanage for puppies.
People keep orphanage for lame dogs.
No one keeps orphanage for old dogs,
Who won’t live more to wag at them.

Old men are poorly attended.

As a man, one is in decay.

As a child, one is most honest;
As a youth, one is still honest.
As an adult, one less honest
To suit his family demands.

Mind will season to toughness.
Conscience will move to silence.
Ego with deposit will grow stiff.
As a man, one is in decay.


Grandfather was happier.

I buy water, pay for toilet,
Pay for parking and with a confronting wife.
My grandfather was happier
Without fees and with a dumb wife.

Thursday 16 April 2015

Sway; else be swayed.

Alter the events to suit you;
Else you adjust yourself to them.
Both not possible, leave the place.
Adopt this in the family life.


Mercy to the selected ones

We don’t show mercy indiscriminately.
We do it when convenient to do,
When to compensate the sin committed,
When for God’s fevour or when from peer pressure.


Resurrect trust.

Before covenants were put to practice,
Before agreements were made mandatory
And before signatures were insisted on,
People had faith on promise made in words.
Faith is lost; cheats are more; disputes are more.
Peace is lost, time and confidence are lost.


Fear is from belief

Beliefs put aside, fears will die.
I fear the dog; it will bite me.
I fear my child; it may stray.
I fear the God; he watches me.
I fear the sea; it might swallow.
Beliefs enter and fears follow

The more close, the more friction

Brothers are not your well wishers.
Neighbours are not your well wishers.
So are partners and your close friends.
Contact areas are large for frictions.

About the bonding

Bonding between two souls takes place
On emotional sympathy
Or on shared interests, that’s all.
When they dry up, bonding will die.


A sperm donor

As a sperm donor, what pride can I have?
Neither the world nor I know who’s my child.
It’s like the novel without the author’s name
Printed; here the author can knows it is his.

Monday 13 April 2015

Views change

What you see, hear or read add to your thoughts.
They mix with old thoughts and modify them.
What you say, act or write are their products.
That is why you constantly review your views.


In attachment

In a happening, some are happy,
Some are sad and some, indifferent.
Attachments bring happiness and suffering.
Detachments deny sorrow and joy too.

Without attachment, mercy is not born.
Without attachment, purpose is not born.
Without involvement, interest is not born.
Without interest, no action takes place.

Attached, success bathes the ego.
Attached, failure soils the ego.
Attachment is still good if you  hope
For the best and be for the worst


To adapt is a skill

Cultures imposed segregation
Of sexes outside the wedlock
As sex would get in the way
If inter-sex friendship blossomed.

New environments throw multiple
Locales for inter-sex relations.
Men and women are together
More time than they’re with their mates.

Social roles and sexual pulls clash.
To deny it is self-denial.
Men and women admit much less
To each other about their feelings.

Not to express is man’s restraints.
Not to admit is woman’s burden.
The time will embolden the both.
Precedence will encourage them.

We adapt to temperature
That the climate change brings about.
We’ll adapt to temperaments
That the woman freedom brought about.

Take it not your right.

Thinking it a right that you get
Takes away the sense of gratitude.
The provider must be gladdened.
The process must be continued.

For a happy couple

When situations do not play out
As we would wish them to, we become
Critical, irritated and furious.
We curse and condemn from helplessness.

To curse or condemn wrongs is a refusal
To accept their reality; note.
Not to curse or condemn wrongs is not
That you condoned them and from weakness.

A dog’s tail cannot be kept straightened.
Hence accept it as a reality
And remain with it if you have to.
Thus spouses can be in harmony.

They’re equally good

Successful men make lousy husbands;
Successful women make lousy mothers.
Husbands and wives tending their families
Are equally successful people.


Interdependent origination

Matter and energy coexist,
Interact, inter-depend and
Convert to each other constantly
Well beyond man’s observations.

Everything that is happening
Cannot be explained away
By mere cause and effect theorry.
All’re interdependent origins.

Predictions are from known cause and effect.
There come unknown causes and effects too.
All the eggs don’t hatch; all the seeds don’t sprout.
You cover up them with luck and fate.

Interdependent origination
Is an intricate and interwoven
Phenomenon on a constant run,
Defying intuition and reasoning.

Indians are converts

Some religions converted the people.
Some religions converted the shrines.
Some religions converted the kings.
The Vedic sect adopted local gods.

I am a descendant of  forefathers
Who might be converts to many faiths.
If I segregate one on one’s religion
It’d mean I insult my forefather’s.

Grief is unlearned

Funerals are thinly attended.
Mourning is shallow and for a day.
Death comes as a relief to inmates.
Man has earned wealth and unlearned grief.

Opposite displeasure

Success gives pleasure.
Conquest gives pleasure.
Revenge gives pleasure.
Hunting gives pleasure.
Coveting gives pleasure.
Mind; every pleasure
Gives equal and opposite
Displeasure to others.
In a way we act as sadists

To save the face

The disappointed woman
Accuses for raping.
The arrested big man
Reasons rivals’ foul play.
The deserting husband
Attributes to infidelity.
The estranged wife
Ascribes to cruelty.
They lie to save their faces,
Knowing that it is little believed.


Sunday 12 April 2015

Hungry wolves

Cleverness is not intelligence.
Intelligence is brain’s power.
Cleverness is brain’s hunger.
Clever people are hungry wolves.


Foreplay much matters [adults only]

Wave her hair, hold her head, pinch her nose
And press her hands. She is excited.

Lick her neck, kiss her cheeks, pinch the ears, 
Circle the navel and press the thighs and the belly.
She is aroused.

Lock her lips with yours, knead the breasts, 
Bite the nipples, lick the armpits,
Circle the clitoris. She is charged.

Do cunnilingus. She is burning.
 Enter her, toss her till she falls flat..

She will be yours years.


The age limit expands.

As a lad, I set my eyes on lass
And not on their mothers accompanying.
At fifty, I set my eyes on mothers
Rather than lass accompanying.
With increase in age, man’s taste expands
To the corresponding age increase.


The unequal legacy

I came from two parents, four grandparents,
Their eight, sixteen and thirty two and so on.
I am known by my father, his father
And his, other donors of my genes expelled.


Irrational desires

He expelled his wife suspected
To have slept with someone.
He accepted one’s wife proved
To have been with her husband


Grooming for frolics

Horses and bullocks were long ago bred
For domestic helps, now for race and fights.
Boys and girls were once brought up with a view
To works and helps, now for rat-race and frolics.


Victims continue

Revenge is the means God punishes by.
Pleasure of revenge is God given bait.
Revenge removes hurt feelings, yet no good.
Revenge breeds revenge; victims continue.


Belief is the cause

However hopeless the situation is,
There has always been a sticking belief
That something brighter is round the corner.
It is this belief that makes or mars you.


Resurrect the old culture.

The culture is rich
Where guilt, conscience and shame warn.
The culture is fair
Where repercussion and prosecution warn.
The culture is poor
Where escape is the root to success.
Culture stands for name.
Greed and insecurity have marred it.
It is high time for parents
To ask their children to resurrect the old.


The weak rulers

The sword that is fought with
Will not be punished.
The force that is ruled with
Will not be punished.
Rather they are patronized.
The weak rulers lean on them.

The Nature threatens.

Cave men fought with shouts and blows.
Stone men fought with stones and clubs.
Iron men fought with swords and spears.
Modern men fight with guns and missiles.

The Nature explodes, provoked.
Men abandoned their devices
And have huddled together
To escape form the Nature’s fury.


Be realistic to your heirs

Your children might fail you.
They are your extensions.
You should not disown them.
Don’t you keep your failing organs?


Why are some great?^vfP

The mass and the velocity
Determine an object’s movement.
A winged seed travels,
Thanks to the lighter mass.
A bullet travels fast,
Thanks to the velocity.

Successful men are more
From their velocity,
The capacity to spread,
Than from the worthiness
Of their deliveries.
No man can become great
Without maneuvering power.

Man’s need of woman

Man secures a woman
To be secure in her.
Man then possesses her
To be in her possession.
