Thursday 19 March 2015

A mistress

‘For a month you weren't seen. Busy!’
‘A visitor; I gave him company’
‘Yes, I heard. He must be horrible.’
‘No, he is fun; he makes me laugh.’
‘A country man, fatty and old.’
‘I don’t think he is bad.’
‘It may be. I don’t appreciate.’
‘It is funny to move about with him.
And find the difference with a stranger.’

‘A new watch on your hand; How much?’
‘I didn’t buy. He presented it; 200 pounds.’
‘Is it the price for the company you gave?’
‘Be it so. Why must you bother yourself?
I am happy when I am with you.
Aren’t you happy when I’m with you?
Let us have a good time where we can.
You must take as I am and no more.
I take you as you’re without a probe.’

He was a lover and she, his mistress.
As such he can only be voiceless.
[inspired by a novel by Somerset Maugham.]

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