Sunday 31 May 2015

The divorcees to be

No child would tolerate other woman
To replace its mother as his dad’s wife.
No child would tolerate other man
To replace its father as mum’s man.
Divorcees-to-be must take note of it.

Dear Ministers!

Because you pinpoint the wrong of someone,
You are not absolved of the grave charges
He has leveled against you with a base.
It’ll rather strengthen his and weaken yours.


Negotiate the works.

Worry-less, one walks down a road.
With worry, one climbs down the cliff.
Worry comes in expecting a fall.
Worry comes in fearing a fall.
One thinks of fall rather than
Negotiates his steps there.
Fear takes away one’s attention
From the task one is going through
And diverts it to worrying.


Know your mother.

A cow knows which her calf is.
A calf knows which its cow is.
God knows me who see not Him.
Instead, I know my mother.

Epics are stories.

A hero in the Epic is exalted,
Justified and defended for his acts
By the wit of the writer to the taste
Of the readers. Read epics for a taste.


Husbands to do as wives did.

Straying away has been the man’s domain.
Now it has been thrown open to woman.
Ignorance or tolerance of the wife
Was the cause of peace in the family.
For peace to prevail in the family,
Let husband follow what wife has followed.


Hope of the old

The daughters and the son of my son!
I am around you, serving and pleasing
At the cost of my pride and convenience.
It’s an investment for the mercy to accrue;
The mercy of you and your parents
To feed me when I go invalid,
To nurse me when I am bed ridden,
And to see me off in a smooth sailing.
You may fail but I’ve no alternative.
This is the fate of every human


Man is a seeker.

Man loves beauties as he loves rose.
Man desires woman as he desires food.
Man needs fidelity as he needs wealth.
Man seeks love as he needs nest.


Men of vision worry a lot.

A hen’s sight is short; so are hers worries.
A wolf’s sight is long; so are his worries.
Long sighted ones see ahead to worry.
Short sighted men see the life as it comes.


The single mother is fevoured.

To marry a high breed is out of reach
For an ordinary woman, of course.
To have his seed by a night stand can work.
A woman can be a mother of high breed,

The result is from luck.

Excess force breaks an object.
Inadequate force goes waste.
The fine line is hard to find.
Fate determines your results.


Male is restless.

Man comes out of woman

And woman, out of woman.
Neither comes out of man.
Man seeks woman for love.
Man seeks woman for shade.
Man’s restless to reach her.
Can he win over her?
Can he be in her good book?
Will she take him as man?
He is restless for an answer.
In merging with female,
Male becomes feminine
And sheds its restlessness.


Saturday 30 May 2015

Soul speaks mother-tongue

He read English books and write English poems
Throughout his carrier and yet heart in heart
He enjoys hearing and singing songs in Tamil.
He shouts in Tamil and cries in Tamil.
The inner self speaks only in mother tongue.
One feels at ease only in mother tongue.

Breathing space will suffer.

Friends remain as friends
As they haven’t lived together.
Lovers remain as lovers
Since they haven’t lived together.
The couple lives together.
Togetherness cuts the space
For freedom of movements
Of the couple under the roof
And, hence, comes suffocation.

Anger is stoppable.

A cat stole your fish; a street dog bit you.
You lost your wallet; you fell from a slip.
You didn’t show anger at them but swallowed.
You show at men for you can affect them.


His death shamed his sons.

That was his birth day; he was ninety two.
His eldest son asked him what his wish was.
‘To die the very next day.’ bitterly said he.
He died the next day. His death shamed his sons.


Live not being bothered.

Mice cannot live where cats will not enter.
Mice do not abandon feeding and mating
Because there’s a threat from the predators.
Let me live my life, not being bothered.


Sacrifices give pleasure

Interest removes pain.
Possessiveness breeds interests.
Attachments bring possessiveness.
Sacrifices are done willingly.


Heads, hands and legs

Some are over-driven, ambitious.
Some are duly driven, complacent.
Some are under-driven, lax and content.
Society needs them as heads, hands and legs.


The coffee break

Insert a moment or two in a day.
You can anticipate it, focus on it
And derive the anticipated pleasure
When those moments actually have arrived.

The rest of the day will seem a build up
For those moments kept in the focus
And will roll out easily without bore.
If you don’t have one, create such moments.

Lunch and dinner are my two moments
Which I anticipate for the pleasure
Of smoking cigarettes, a constraint imposed.
To some even a coffee break will do.

Where woman lacks importance

Delivered and moulded by my mother,
I was identified with my father,
Who, delivered and moulded by mother,
Was identified with his father.

I go with my son; wife is an onlooker.
The son of my daughter I’ve no claim on.
In each generation, mother is removed
From the memory line of the family.

Let my name carry the name of mother
And of father behind it to the world.
Let me have the names of the grand mothers
And grandfathers on both sides in record.


The seeds of the garden

I grew a garden with seeds brought from some.
I alone know from where I got those seeds.
I do not know to which gardens have gone
The seeds of mine for growing plants of theirs.


It is their fate

Scientists say with proofs; preachers say with faith.
Some believe both; some believe either.
It’s their choice as to which they should believe.
They realize when they reap the harvest. 

The old are the waste cotton

As cotton, I was dear to the farmer,
And then to the spinner. Becoming yarn,
To the weaver and as cloth to the user.
I was dear in care for the rest of time.
Worn out, I was sent to be as waste cotton.
Torn out, I was thrown to disintegrate.
As old, everyone would be thrown out.


Don’t lose gratitude.

You get importance when someone seeks you.
If you show him air and belittle him
You embitter him and he values you cheap.
Your helps to him earn you no gratitude.

Priests and doctors are privileged.

There is a tag to wipe your sin.
There is a tag to earn you bliss.
There is a tag to cure your ills.
There is a tag to keep off ills.
Priests and doctors get their fees.
You pay them without guarantees.


Man struggles with men.

Punishment is to spend the anger
And is not to set right the victim.
Laws are to augment the ruler
And is not to serve the subjects.
Man struggles with men to exist.


The faulty judgment

Two daughters of mine had a fight.
I heard both; both altered the truth.
I couldn’t shave off the untruth
And felt guilty of my judgment.


Myth about the self

What is self? Which is self? Who know?
The accumulated thought is self.
Thought lost, the sense of self is lost.
Thought is memory’s expression.
Thought is conditioned by dogmas,
Convictions, customs and habits,
Also by experience and knowledge.
Thought lost, memory lost, self is lost.

Self must be an ugly product.
It wants to surge ahead in streams.
It wants to go ahead on road.
Selfishness is its character.
It’s self that makes divisions
Among people, faiths and nations.
Self is the cause all clashes.
Self cannot be dislodged from heart.

Self is not the wholeness of life.
One’s life is inclusive of self.
Life is the string of creation.
Creation exists without self.
Death terminates one’s life and self.
Death does not liberate the self.
Keep the self under the control
More with the brain than with the heart.


To search answers

Why must I be upset
If my room was put to use
In my absence,
In secret or when I don’t need it
Or me in another one?
I couldn’t find an answer.


He is an idiot.

There are circumstances
Where presence is a disturbance,
Helps a nuisance, gifts a waste
And advice an intrusion.
One is an idiot not to know this.


Fact is a mystery.

‘Misbehaved’, she alleged.
‘Misconduct’, he accused.
The later has dismissed the former.
Truth is a mystery to outsiders.


Pseudo patriarchy system

The bride leaves her parental home
And adopts as hers the groom’s home.
Patriarchy system is not in play.
Woman’s interest is behind the play.

Woman is much possessive of her son
Who she wants to be with her on marriage.
She lets her daughter go away instead

As the tree lets its seeds go on dispersal. 

The self-denial abounds

Deprived of chances for corporal love,
Man spends his libido in seeing porn.
Interrupted by self esteem and ego,
Woman spends her libido in fantasies.
Both deny themselves the pleasure readily.


Age is not a barrier

He saw the movie to see the actress..
For the same purpose, his father saw it.
His son also went to see it for her.
Sexual attractions have no age barriers. .

Friday 29 May 2015

Let great men’s children get food.

There were great men by whom the society
Has immensely benefited and yet
It utterly failed to treat their descendants,
Who reeled in poverty and are forgotten.

To honour the great after their exit
Is not remembrance of their names
But helping of their ailing progeny.
Let his child get food before he gets fame.


Sexual stimulants

Fruits make you sexy, with the skin in glow.
Sports make you sexy, with a toned body.
Love makes you sexy, with hormones in spate.
Their stimulants are ones in opposite sex.


A grain of sand

A man sinks himself in a woman’s esteem
When he bothers her with his love in haste,
An ordinary woman though she’s been,
And she gains a great strength to dismiss him.

This privilege does not belong to her.
She has got this privilege granted by him
From his weakness for her love and figure.
It took much toll for him to understand.

When she kicked him out, ignoring his helps,
He felt his male ego maimed ruthlessly.
He dropped his claim on her and left for his wife.
Binodini was a grain of sand in all eyes.
[Chokher Bali or A Grain of Sand is a novel
Written by Rabindranath Tagore.]

Human race will shrink.

No love for parents, they are in homes.
No love for family, living-in is preferred.
Children a burden, contraceptives are used.
Human race will shrink; man is the cause.


The greatest wisdom

The rich food, once eaten, will be out.
The desire, once met, will be lost.
The great fun, once had, will be gone.
I stopped giving any value to them.
It is the wisdom I have acquired late.
The birth itself is a bubble to burst.
Not craving rebirth is the greatest wisdom.


Thursday 28 May 2015

Love can be kept sweet.

Love between man and woman turns sour
Because man expects more than she offered .
She is strained and he, disappointed.
Not over stepping, man keeps his love sweet.


The strength of the revolutionaries

On a strong note, scents spurt from flowers.
They spread, grow weak and dissolve in the air.
On a strong note, revolutionaries rise.
They rush, turn mild and merge with the main stream.



Qualifications give me a license
To treat that I know more than what I know
And give others a notion about me
That I know more than I truly know.

Qualifications misguide in two ways:
A confidence booster to the holders;
A hall-mark to the estimators.
Qualifications are sold for a price.


To have sex is a right

Right to have sex is like right to have food.
Marriage shackles and age limits curtail.
Be no harassment to consensual love.
Be no prosecution to consensual sex


Pleasure comes with strain.

Attachments cause sufferings
As eating entails expulsion.
Dropping them for their residues
Is like shunning pleasure for strain.


The sun set days

Siblings are your blood but not their spouses.
The offspring is your blood but not its spouse.
Getting supports from the blood relations
Is not digested by their better-halves.
You are that much orphaned by relations.
You have to swallow scorns in sun set days.


Raids in brothels

To have a raid in a brothel
Is to have a raid in an inn.
Hunger for sex and food is met.
Such raids amount to barbarism.

Sexual gratifications are
Denied by perverts, and the pair
 Is prosecuted by the jealous
And punished by the sadists.


Sexual thoughts to die last.

Having lost the vigour to produce seeds,
To send out blossom and give out shoots and leaves,
With the stem turning senseless in due course,
A tree still feels the pulse of lust and life
With its roots being active to the earth.
Having lost the vigour to impregnate,
To keep counts and volume from falling,
With the stem losing its power in aging,
A man still feels the pulse of life and lust
With his thoughts responsive to women.


A war between Ravna and Kauravas

Rama fought Ravna and killed him.
The good prevailed over the evil.
Thus spoke Ramayana the Epic.
Pandavas fought Kauravas and killed them.
The justice prevailed over the wrong.
Thus spoke Mahabharata the Epic.
What if Ravna and Kauravas fought?
It is happening in politics now.


Critics outside and inside.

Peers are critics outside and conscience,
The critic inside. We listen to both.
We make efforts to silence both the critics.
When there is a conflict between the two,
Do answer the calls from the conscience
Rather than yield to the peers’ pressure.
One thinks of oneself when one spends for food.
One thinks of pears when one spends on clothes.
Love from pity is the call of conscience.
Love for relation is the call of peers.
People go bankrupt from peers’ pressure.
A coward is led by peers influence.


Sceptism and religion

The eagle is the chariot of God Vishnu.
The bull is the chariot of God Siva.
The lion is the chariot of Goddess Kali.
The mouse is the chariot of God Ganesh.
The peacock is the chariot of God Karthik.
Hanuman is the god incarnate monkey.
The Hindus revere them in images
And ignore them at ease in their live forms.
Sceptism finds no place in religions.

Live-in relation leads to isolation

The courtship serves that they know each other.
The marriage entails living together.
Marriages fail from successful courtships.
Living together cuts space for movements.

Divorce is a cumbersome exercise.
Sometimes, pounds of flesh are extracted.
To circumvent the divorce from marriage,
Live-in relationships have been brought in.

In live-in relation, man and woman
Live together, having conjugal love,
And beget children with all sanctity.
It may or not lead to marriage later.

In certain cases, living-in is had
As a stop gap arrangement for marriage;
Living-in is as good as a married life.
It can serve being a good test-drive test.

To end marriage is to sell a house.
To end living-in is to end a lease.
Live –in relation is easy to break
Before marriage or later from staleness

‘Till death do us part’ has been outdated.
Living-in is a step before wedding.
Wedding is still preferred as it gives one joy
Of going public with the relationship.

With less commitment, live-in relation
Is easy to break and easy to acquire.
Change of partners drives out monotony.
After sexual life, isolation will set in.

Death is orphaned

Motherless, a man is at the mercy
Of his wife or daughter for his sun-set.
It’s his fate how they’d tend his last days.
In their absence, his death is orphaned.

Be sexy effortlessly.

Being sexy is not revealing parts.
Being sexy is highlighting features.
Highlight hair, ears, neck, upper back,
Arms or legs but one or two at a time.

There’s a fine line between being sexy
And being cheap, which a woman must note.
For a toned body, no need of windows.
For defying hair, no need of hair-do.

For evenness of the skin, no cosmetics;
For hygiene body, no need of perfume.
On a pair of high heels one is sexy
With breasts forward and buttocks upward.

To look sexy, woman must feel sexy.
In feeling sexy, she gains confidence
About her sexual prowess and command.
Be sexy effortlessly and hunt men’s eyes.


Anger from love

Parents are free to spit anger
At their children, who are that free
To sulk or cry at their parents.
The anger from love gives no hurts.

At whom you are free to anger
And at whom it leaves no scars,
Him or her, you love with much care.
Quarreling couples are in love.

Fear is the reward.

Mother’s death is the gravest.
One’s own death is the deadliest.
One is destined to face the both.
The fear waits as rewards.


Weakness makes strength.

A batsman shines against weak bowlers;
A bowler shines against weak batsmen.
One’s weakness is the opponent’s strength.
One’s meekness is opponent’s might.

Fight based on the faith

The Himalaya is in the North,
A child was taught in India.
The Himalaya is in the South,
A child was taught in China.
As adults they fought each other
Over their faiths held as the truth.


Bad men have friends

One does not fear a snake
That he doesn’t know a snake
Or about which he’s no idea.
Bad men too have as much friends.


As a captain…

A captain has to take decisions.
In case they backfire, he’d be haunted
By their outcome or taunted by critics.
He must’ve maneuvering skills to stay afloat.

Wednesday 27 May 2015

The world’s decay

Austerity in energy
And energy in forestry
Are the paths of recovery
From the decay of the world.


Detect the colour

Each one is selfish; each one is greedy;
Each one is hostile. The scale might differ.
None of them would reveal their true colour.
It is up to you to detect and deal.


Wife preserves my blood.

Wife is not my blood and by her I stand
For she gave me a child where runs my blood
My love for those who’re connected by blood
Has been kept as embers for a renewal. .
