Saturday 30 May 2015

Myth about the self

What is self? Which is self? Who know?
The accumulated thought is self.
Thought lost, the sense of self is lost.
Thought is memory’s expression.
Thought is conditioned by dogmas,
Convictions, customs and habits,
Also by experience and knowledge.
Thought lost, memory lost, self is lost.

Self must be an ugly product.
It wants to surge ahead in streams.
It wants to go ahead on road.
Selfishness is its character.
It’s self that makes divisions
Among people, faiths and nations.
Self is the cause all clashes.
Self cannot be dislodged from heart.

Self is not the wholeness of life.
One’s life is inclusive of self.
Life is the string of creation.
Creation exists without self.
Death terminates one’s life and self.
Death does not liberate the self.
Keep the self under the control
More with the brain than with the heart.


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