Sunday 21 June 2015

Fear can rule the tendency to rape.

Man robs from hunger; otherwise also.
With mind sick, he does; as a sport he does.
Man rapes from hunger; otherwise also.
With mind sick, he does; as a sport he does.

Having sex is a sin, or an offense,
Man’s possessiveness over woman,
And men acting as moral policing
All will help illicit or forceful sex.

Rape is as controllable as murder.
Both haven’t been eliminated ever since.
Both are impulsive and calculative.
Self education is most essential.

Both occur as hit and run, unnoticed
And unpredictably, with lust or revenge.
Without fear for sure, harsh punishment,
Tendency to do these will not come down.


Bring up good stalks

Be a role model to your children.
Train them in vegetarian food.
Teach them yoga and scriptures.
Coach them music, dance, arts or sports.

Orthodox people do like that.
They produce criminals the least
As cast wise statistics might tell.
Let us ape them and save India.


To become a poet

He’s declared that he is a poet.
He attends poets’ meet with a fee.
His poems are published for a cost.
He’s a poet with his poems unread.


No universal coexistence

Coexistence can be taught among wolves.
Coexistence can be taught among sheep.
Can it be taught among both together?
Man-made laws for man and not for the world;


Pathos and passions

When you get pity for a woman
You fail to see sexiness in her.
When you find a woman sexy
You don’t accommodate pity.
Feelings of pathos and passions
Will not come up concurrently.


Bisexual affinity

Women working under a man;
Men working under a woman;
There lies congenial atmosphere.
Heterosexual affinity speaks.


Honesty and security

I would not have been as honest as I’m
Had I not been given an assured job,
An assured scale and an assured pension.
Honesty is linked to security.


Ancestry lives in us.

Instincts in slumber, you follow morals.
Instincts in assault, you ignore morals.
Instincts overrule your sixth sense in time.
Instincts you carry from your ancestry.

Aversion for other’s

These are his clothes; these are his shoes;
This is his brush or underwear.
I’ve an aversion towards them.
This is his wife; aversion must come.


Not contemptible

A dancer makes money;
A model makes money;
An actress makes money.
They use the body for it.
A loose woman does the same.
Don’t see her with contempt.

Men are initiative.

A teacher had an affair with his student.
A coach had an affair with his trainee.
A boss had an affair with his assistant.
Men and proximity are culprits.


Be active and passive

I choose dresses to suit an occasion.
I tailor my speech to an audience.
I edit my writes to suit the readers.
I am active when I’m doing these acts.

I watch a movie quite effortlessly.
I listen to songs in a comfort zone.
I read a story, absorbed and at ease.
I am passive when I am doing these acts.

We need both as we need wake and sleep.

Love is soft.

The cactus is a hard core
But it gives flower as soft
As rose, lily or jasmine.
Love from anyone is soft.


Saturday 20 June 2015

Provide outlets for libido.

Hold prostitution as a profession,
Where starving men are given reception,
The kind of which they might not venture
To experiment with wives or lovers.

Women in that profession are doing
What women in other entertainments
Are doing: earning money from body.
See them with eyes with which you see actress.

Abolish words such as prostitute.
Whore, harlot, sex-workers and such low names.
It is they who would save other women
From adultery, molestation and rape.

Consensual sex is worthier than
The forced sex in the name of marriage.
Moral police curb sexual outflow
And kill sexuality and sensuality.


Rivalry feeds religions.

You praise your mother; so do I, mine.
You buy her new clothes; so do I, mine.
You display her with pride; so do I.
Religions grow out of rivalry.


Love is Life given bliss.

Love is finding someone you trust,
Seeing someone drawing your mind,
Or being absorbed with someone
In thought with some inspiration.

Love is a magnetic energy,
Possessing North Pole and South Pole
In man and woman respectively
And is part of life energy.

To speak about love will inspire.
To write about love will enthuse.
To read about love will excite.
To watch love scene will arouse.

To experience love is bliss.
To enjoy love is mirth.
Love makes people energetic.
Love makes people congenial.


The wisdom of the wise.

Sometimes to fight, sometimes to yield,
Sometimes to flee or to adjust
And sometimes to beg are techniques
The wise would employ to survive.


An act of barbarism

When someone slips on a banana peel,
You laugh and feel on top of the world.
Suppose you slip on a banana peel
Others seeing you slip hurts you most.

Don’t mock one, who is caught in awkwardness,
To get pleasure from other’s misfortune.
Instead, help him rid of that situation.
To be a schadenfreude is barbarism.


Flower to stay with plants

Flower is not meant for display
Nor is it a token of love.
Don’t pluck them to make a garland.
Let them stay with plants and enjoy.


Death goes with curses

Death is sweet when no one wants you to live.
Death is sweet when you hate the last one loved.
Death is sweet when you couldn’t overcome pain.
Then come no regrets but full of curses.


Memory has no rebirth.

The birth is a birth of innocence.
The death is a death of ignorance.
In between lives trial and error.
Rebirth, if any, comes without memory.


The co-born

Brothers and sisters are let out
At birth to set out on a race
To run fast in growth and progress.
They run with no concern for the trailers.
The strong one might help the weak one
But not to the extent of overtaking.

They show their real colour at last
When their parents are no more
And when the partition is over.
Be happy if you’re born single.


/Who has a say?

They say I don’t deserve what I desire.
They say I didn’t deserve whom I got.
Jealous as they are, they opine like that.
Only the affected one has a say


Friday 19 June 2015

Man and woman engulf each other.

Man overlaps woman on one end
And woman overlaps man the other end.
They approve of such domination.
They find pride in such power play
As doer and the done in turn
In their day to day activities.
It’s like each holding the other’s bottom.


Causes of anger

Fear of failure is the cause of anger.
Upset of plans is the cause of anger.
Sense of injustice is the cause of anger.
Loss of importance is the cause of anger.
Sublimate the anger to cut the loss.

For man’s boon or doom?

Woman has a right to refuse
Coitus demanded by her spouse.
She reserves a right to accept
Coitus with one she covets most.
Entertainment isn’t confused
With commitment to family.


Raping from perversion

Man is predatory and to him
Woman is a temptress, a fortress.
She denies him access.
Men shield her from access.
Women guard her from access.
The sick-minded rape or molest her
Not for pleasure but for a hunt.
Raping is not rampant
Where affairs are congenial
And where there is no raid on sex.


Beauty from love

Struck by beauty, man discovers love.
Struck by love, man discovers beauty.
Beauty discovered from love will last.
Love discovered from beauty will fade.



Man is after surprises.
News of assassination is welcome.
News of actor’s suicide is welcome.
So is news about a death or misfortune.
News of your fall is not different.


Wasteful exercises

The barber is impatient
With his customers in queue.
The doctor is impatient
With his clients in queue.
The reader of yours online
Is impatient to read yours,
With a lot in queue to be read,
And miss to find its worth.


Detachment is escapism.

The Hindu philosophy advocates
Detachment from worldly things and people
As the means to march towards God’s Kingdom,
And as the shield against sufferings and sorrow.

Detachment demands removal of desire.
Detachments demands removal of passion.
With desire, comes the purpose of life.
With passion, comes the motive of life.

Be with desire for the world to move on.
Be with passion for the society to live..
Detachment is a kind of escapism.
Detachment is a kind of self-centeredness.

A clean iron hand

To speed up, we bribe. To overlook, we bribe.
To do fraud, we bribe. On demand, we bribe.
To escape, we bribe. Under force, we bribe.
A honest king must have an iron hand.


Civilizations strengthen.

Huts were made against the sun and the rain
And made strong against wind and animals.
Houses were made against thieves and beggars.
Now we live in cells shut against neighbours.

Poverty and failure help

Prosperity invites jealousy.
Success induces rivalry.
Jealousy and rivalry scorch.
Poverty generates pity.
Failure fetches sympathy.
Pity and sympathy nourish.


Thursday 18 June 2015

Man fears man

Man fears man and that’s why
Men please one another
With an extra effort
By way of pretension.


Doubts would rust you.

The fact that I am inclined to flirt
With women with whom I am at work
Influences my subconscious mind
To be uneasy with my employed wife.

The fact that I am denied success
By any woman I have targeted
Didn’t influence my subconscious
To be easy with wife’s fidelity.

Truth, if bitter, be better unknown.
Doubt, true though, be better kept out.
As long as faith in loyalty rules
No quarrels would split the couple.


Greed and meanness

One can be greedy if generous.
One can be mean if not greedy.
Being greedy and mean is worse.
Being generous and greed-less is harsh.


Would fragrance stay?

Wanting to live after my death,
I drop children as my copies.
They’ll carry the flag I hoisted.
The chain must continue down below,
Which, not in my hand, can break down
With my ardent wish aborted.
It is like flowers withering
With the hope that their fragrance stays.


Man is polygamous

Raping is rampant in India.
Harsh punishment is of no use.
Grant prostitution, the outlet
Or ignore consensual sex.

Glamour is a profession.

Women shed their shyness to appear
On stage as actress or dancers those days.
Emboldened and accepted, they started
Acting freely holding hands with actors
In movies, and progressing step by step,
Now they are coming in revealing clothes,
Do roles in intimate and erotic scenes.
And pose in semi naked or naked.

Such ones use their body to the fullest
To get maximum out of life, which is
No more than the using of intelligence
Or the artistic skills to the fullest
To get maximum by the respected ones.
Being in glamour is a profession.
Having sex as a reward is a tactic.
The society has started accepting them.


Impatience wrecks

To go at green, to slow down at amber
And to stop at red is the traffic signals.
We are fast at green, faster at amber
And fastest at red from our impatience.


Deterioration of faith

Be it lovers, godfathers or fast-friends,
There is a tendency for the people
To have them double, fearing defaults.
Faith has deteriorated to that extent.


Men are behind women.

Some women just flirt to elbow their way.
Some use sex as a reward for their goal.
They get preferential treatments for their looks.
Men are behind women for their success.


Wednesday 17 June 2015

The self sought fame.

He has published ten books at his cost,
And sold thousands of copies free of cost.
He got them translated on his behest.
He got many paid awards and titles.
Now and then appeared paid news about him
Without money as means, no one is great.


Sought by none

Selfishness is the trunk,
From which grow leaves of greed
And blossom of meanness.
It will bear thorny fruits
Sought by none, to its dismay.


Keep distance to last.

He and I had been good friends
Until we became roommates.
She and I had been soul mates
Until we become life mates.
Closeness detects shortfalls.


Home meal to meet hunger.

Forbidden fruit as she is,
A woman waits for her husband
To meet her hunger for sex.
Barred to women as he is,
A man returns home to his wife
For his sexual appetite.
Home meal is not a feast
And is got to meet the hunger.


Not to wither

They are your parents, fatuous or be what.
They are, what all is said and done, your root,
For whom you must live up to final duties.

They are your siblings, selfish or be what.
They are, what all is said and done, your branch
For whom you must do your obligations.

They are offspring, prodigal or be what.
They are, what all is said and done, your shoots,
For whom you must do your sacrifices.

She or he is your spouse, worn out or be what.
She or he is, what all is said and done, your stalk,
For whom you must discharge your commitment.

You pass through the stage of offspring, sibling,
Spouse and parent in your life cycle
And must desperately need those assistance
From them, failing which you’ll wilt and wither



Simplicity is
Being without affectation.
Affectation means
Posing larger than what you are.
In simplicity
Ego is subdued and silent.
In affectation,
Ego is vibrant and noisy.
Being secured is
Where simplicity is practiced.
Being at ease is
Where affectation is scorned.


To fresh up the brain

Human body is a pair of scissors.
Left brain and right brain function as handles.
Left and right sides of the body act as blades.
Brain sides operate opposite portions.

Left lobe operates right hand and right leg.
Right lobe operates left hand and left leg. 
Breath through left nostril activates right brain.
Breath through right nostril activates left brain.

Inhale through left nose slowly and deeply,
Hold the breath and leave it through left nostril.
Do the same process through the right nostril.
Breathe through each nostril not less than ten times.

Inhale by left, hold and exhale by right.
Inhale by right, hold and exhale by left
This is a cycle; do ten cycles least.
Be exhale time twice that of inhaling.

Left hand at work, right brain spends energy.
Right nose at breath, left brain gains energy.
By deep breathing, the brain is pacified.
Anxiety is removed; so is the stress.

By doing this, you keep equilibrium
Of the body and the function of the brain.
The sedative feeling you experience
Will shed greed, anger and jealousy.

Man is heading to die.

Does man consider himself superior
To other animals and kill them for food?
“Everything that lives and moves will be
Food for you.” The Bible states and supports
[Genesis: 9:3]

If man’s to advocate such theory
That a superior life can devour
The inferior life, it must apply
Equally among the humans as well.

Harmony must not restrict to human
But to go beyond between humans
And other animals as his existence
Is linked to other species’ existence.


He needs no praises.

God has sent you to the world
To live finding food and mate.
Don’t waste time in pleasing Him.
He needs your virtue not praises.


Concern for cure is absent.

Someone falling critically ill,
Calls will pour in from all along
More to confirm the anxious end
Than to show concern for the cure.


The nostalgia

Nostalgia is a soothing agent.
It stimulates the status in you, enjoyed
In the past, and gives you mental comforts.
You relive the past and beam in such acts.


The device to shed hatred

In my finger I see myself
And in me I see my finger.
There is no hurt feeling with it.
Similarly in my child, I do.
There is no hurt feeling with it.
I am a part of human and
Human is a part of me too.
Feel it when hatred grows in you.

Learn scriptures

Learn literature;
It’ll heighten your consciousness.
Learn many classics;
It’ll refine your consciousness.
The bible, the Koran
Or the Gita is literature. 
The atheists need not
Feel shy learning epics and scriptures.

To love all is a myth.

I hold back my love from them whom I fear.
I’m denied love by those who fear me.
To love everyone is not in practice.
To advise to that effect is a fashion.


The new faith

A new fashion or a new faith replaces
The existing ones, more with its freshness,
And due to the incumbency effects
And less with the new one’s superiority.


Tuesday 16 June 2015

The mouth and the palms

Sexual system ceasing to function,
Man can still derive sexual pleasure
From a woman with his mouth and palms.
Sexual system drying to a halt,
Woman can still get sexual pleasure
From man’s fore play with mouth and palms.