Sunday 14 June 2015

The anonymity

Who hasn’t looked at women without lust?
Who hasn’t done adultery in the heart?
The capable ones indulge in adultery
And the incapable dream of adultery.

Everyone lives hiding his sexual self.
He keeps close to his heart his sex secrets.
He fakes innocence; he moves cunningly.
No man is exempted unless impotent.

How long can one burry the inner self?
One develops an itch to let it out,
Which one does from anonymity.
A cleaning agent is anonymity.

When we want to be inside out,
We are some ones others cannot know.
We hide our real and appear as if real,
We pretend to be what we aren’t.

If at all we want to be what we’re
We do it through the route of anonymity.
It is applicable to both genders.
Internet is a good window to vent.


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