Friday 5 June 2015

Desire out of happiness

The desire propels man to action;
Without the desire man is a lump.
The desire can take you to joy
Or bring you down to a ditch so low.

There are two kinds of desire in us.
The desire for happiness is the one.
The other is the desire out of happiness.
The second one can sublimate the first.

The desire for happiness tells you
That you are not now in happiness.
The desire out of happiness means
The desire from the happiness at hand.

If you are happy with what you have,
 It is the desire out of happiness.
If you long for what you have not,
It is the desire for happiness.

You can’t be without desire; you must.
Desire what is present and available.
Desire the out of happiness you have.
Forget about the future and heaven.

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